Sounds. Sounds. Sounds. All around her.
The Hub was a bustle with students forming various lines and conversing as they went about getting their food. It was just past noon, which was the busiest time of day for the cafeteria.

Clara and Tamara walked down the long corridor in Campus Center North and entered the Hub. They had been discussing how much fun they had during the weekend.
The Excursion was the biggest on-campus event of the year.

They made a left at the sandwich stand and got on the line to pay for their food. "Hey Brock. What's up?" Clara said to the guy three people ahead of her and Tamara. He was quite easy to recognize with his screaming red hair and tall, lanky stature.

Hey Clara," he said as he gave her a hug. Brock Myers was a fellow actor. "How did you enjoy the Excursion?" "It was so much fun," she responded. She shifted her weight to the right and the sunlight caught her in such her way her cocoa skin seemed to have a slight glow. Friday night was the best," Tamara piped in. They all laughed. "Next!" a man said from behind the register.